Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Life is Crazy!

So life has been crazy busy and I won't slow down for a while. But I wanted to check in :)
I'm making aprons for my Niece, Nephew, and Chase and hope to share that with you soon. I'm also working a children's book post, and the next leg of my Ireland trip. And just working like crazy, my hours this week are all changed up and I've had to miss all my workouts :( well i kinda chose to miss black light zumba.  I can not handle large crowds in small spaces it just freaks me out. now you can put me in a tiny space by my self and im fine but throw a bunch of strangers in the mix and i freak out.  My dad took me out once for blizzards and we planned to eat there but while we were ordering a HUGE crowd came in and i garbed my blizzard and ran out the door and did not realize i had done it till i was outside and Dad asked why i changed my mind about eating there. So i decided to google my fear and these are the two phobias i found.
Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.
Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds or mobs

But when i came across this one i thought maybe that fear could be helpful...Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight.(Pocrescophobia)
you can click here for a huge list of different one.
Well i'm off to bed so i can have a good nights rest before another busy day :)
Sweet dreams to all!

1 comment:

  1. Fun-nee today girlie! I, too, have little and not so little panic attacks when I am around a lot of people, or feel rushed. Kind of freak out. So probably one of the phobes apply to me. Thanks for making me smile. Blessings, Diane
