Thursday, February 2, 2012


So Chase LOVES taking pictures. He gets so excited when i bring my camera over. We started out setting the camera down and he would push the button and run and jump in the picture. like this one we did last week.
He then discovered how o wear the camera and take pictures so it is his new favorite way to take pictures. here he is taking pictures.

Here are some pictures he has taken.
The first two he took last week.

This on he took unplanned with my camera phone. It is one of my favorite Pictures.  I've found the unplanned photos always turn out the best!
You may have also noticed that in the other photos my hair is shorter. I chopped it off about 3 weeks ago.

Do you have a favorite Photo and Why do you love it?
Do you enjoy having your photo taken or do you prefer taking the photos?

1 comment:

  1. I am loving your posts. They are so sweet and I love these boys. Keep 'em comong. Blessings, DIANE
